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ShadowLands to Publish The Dee Sanction
ShadowLands—publisher of Robotta, Starport, supplements for 5e and Cthulhu d100, and Pelgrane Press’s The Esoterrorists—will be publishing a Spanish translation of The Dee Sanction with additional translated and original material to follow. As they announced on their YouTube Channel last night and a blog/podcast this morning, The Dee Sanction has joined their …
The Dee Sanction Third Party Licence
This licence allows anyone to make adventures, monsters, or hacks for The Dee Sanction, whether to sell or publish for free. Rules If you keep to these rules, you can publish free or commercial material based upon or declaring compatibility with The Dee Sanction without express permission from Paul Baldowski …
Judges Award Winner for Best Role-Playing Game at UK Games Expo 2021
The UK Games Expo Awards include both a Judges Award, determined by a panel chosen for their knowledge of games, and a Peoples Choice Award, voted for by the public through the UKGE website. I’m excited to say that The Dee Sanction won the Judges Award of Best Role-Playing Game against a challenging shortlist – of Osprey Game’s Jackels and …
Houses of Power
In Summary: This is good stuff. An enjoyable read that provides a very niche focus that has more value as background than as esoteric hooks. Considering the relationship of households, architecture and power, it’s definitely worth a GM picking up. This is Houses of Power, Simon Thurley (2017) — …
Advantage & Disadvantage
I acknowledge that a terse core book means that sometimes, the mechanics might not settle into place the first time on reading. Or the second. However, with doubt come questions, and with questions comes the opportunity to put together a fuller response. On the Discord, Guybrush asked: Could someone please …